Civil War Richmond

The Richmond Tour Guys present two tours covering Richmond, as the Capital of the Confederacy, and the numerous battlefields surrounding the city. Each tour is guided by one of our “Local Experts” who has been presenƟng these tours for over 20 years.

Civil War Battlefields

Of all the prominent cities in the Civil War, Richmond, the capital of the CSA, was prized more than any other. As such, thirteen battles occurred within 20 miles, most with major casualties. “On to Richmond” was the constant Union battle cry. Led by our Expert Guide, the tour begins at Chimborazo Medical Museum. Four important  battlefields, Beaver Dam, Gaines Mill, Cold Harbor and Malvern Hill are visited. Between each battlefield, short stops are made to explain important troop movements where they happened.

Tour length: Approximately 3 hours

Cost: 1‐2 Adults $250    Each Additional Adult $35

Civil War Capital

From April. 1861 until April, 1865, Richmond wore two hats, capital of Virginia and as capital of the break‐away states, the Confederate States of America or CSA. On this tour, you’ll travel throughout Richmond and with a Civil War focus see the White House of the Confederacy, the sites of Chimborazo Medical hospital, Tredagar Ironworks’
Pattern and Foundry buildings and The American Civil War Museum. Then after a lunch break, continue out to the closest battlefields of two campaigns, Beaver Dam Creek, Gaines Mill and Cold Harbor.

Tour length: Approximately 5 to 5 1/2 hours

Cost: 1‐2 Adults $350    Each Additional Adult $35