Look over the variety of Private Driving Tours presented here, designed to accommodate those desiring a more personal guided tour. Beginning with our NEWEST tour, The City Highlights Tour, we also offer the Experience series of tours; Custom Tours, including Half Day, Full Day and Multi‐Day tours; Specialty and Seasonal Tours; and Large Group Tours. Please call our office to answer questions and to reserve any of these tours.



A new tour specifically created for visitors who want a sense of Richmond with a sampler tour; a “Mini‐Overview” Driving & Walking Tour, that is City Center focused with over 50 points‐of‐interest and includes stops to tour Capitol Square and Historic St. John’s Church and two Church Hill overlooks.

Areas seen include Jackson Ward, VCU Medical Campus, Court End, City Center to Brown’s Island, Manchester, Capitol Square, Shockoe Slip and Bottom and Church Hill.

At two separate stops, you will park and disembark to tour, first the Capitol Square grounds, home to Thomas Jefferson’s “Roman Temple’ on the hill, todays Capitol of Virginia, numerous statues and monuments as well as the Executive Mansion and learn of Washington’s remarkable cenotaph. This is followed by a stop and walk at Historic St. John’s Church, where in March of 1775, the disbanded Virginia Burgess’s including Peyton Randolph, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington together with another 100+ men, met in a secret meeting, to talk and vote upon a resolution, so profound that if Governor Dunmore learned of it, they would all be arrested, tried, found guilty of treason and sentenced to hang!

Tour Length: 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Costs: 1 ‐ 2 people $275 3 to 6 people $35 each addiƟonal person.


Far and away, the Richmond Tour Guys most popular private tours since first being introduced in 2022 are the
Experience series of Overview tours where our guides become dual‐hatted, driving our guest’s vehicle, either their
personal or rental car or for larger groups, the company rents transportation, sized from an SUV up to a 14
passenger Transit minibus. This allows everyone to enjoy the tour without also being the group’s chauffeur.


Experience Richmond Tours offer couples, families and small groups the opportunity to more fully take in and see
the historic and ‘new’ that is today’s Richmond. All three of these Overview tours are guide driven tours with two
featuring walking segments.

Overview Tour

Our Overview Tour is a 2‐hour, guide driven tour that covers the length and breadth of the greater downtown and surrounding neighborhoods of Richmond. Areas covered include City Center, Jackson Ward, Church Hill, both VCU campuses, Shockoe Slip and Bottom, Brown’s Island/Tredegar, Manchester, and Carytown. Your knowledgeable guide provides a continuous narration accompanying you the entire tour.

Pricing Information:
1 ‐ 2 people $200
3 to 6 people, $35 additional per

Expanded Overview Tour

The 3‐hour Expanded Overview Tour includes all that is included in the Overview Tour and in addition incorporates  drive‐through of Hollywood Cemetery home to over 18,000 confederate soldiers including Generals  George Pickett and J.E.B. Stuart with a stop overlooking the rapids of the James River and walk through of  President’s Circle, the final resting place of U.S. presidents Monroe and Tyler as well as C.S.A. President Davis.

Pricing Information: 
1 ‐ 2 people $250
3 to 6 people, $35 addiƟonal per


Ultimate Overview Tour

The Ultimate Overview Tour is a combination of driving and walking lasting 3 ½ to 4 hours that incorporates all the previous tours and in addition, has two walking segments, first to tour Capitol Square, home of monuments, statues and the Thomas Jefferson designed capitol building still purpose used today. The other walking segment is Church Hill’s Historic St. John’s Church and churchyard to learn of an important 1775 secret meeting. 

Pricing Information:
1 ‐ 2 people $300
3 to 6 people, $40 additional per

NOTE: The prices for the City Highlights and Overview Tours are for the tour itself and utilizing the guests personal or their rental vehicle. For larger groups from 7 to 14 people, a larger vehicle will be required. That rental price varies throughout the year and will be determined at the time of arranging for the tour. Please contact us so that we may work with you to provide you the tour of your choosing. Phone 804 554 4865